
Well as you can see i have added a box with the leet word of the day. That inspired me to do a list of all leet speak.

LOL- Laughing Out Loud

ROFL- Rolling On Floor Laughing

LMAO- Laughing My Ass Off

ROFLMAO- Rolling On Floor Laughing My Ass Off

AFK- Away From Keyboard

WTF- What The F**k

WTH- What The Hell

OMG- Oh My God

OMJ- Oh My Jonas

W/E- Whatever

W/O- Without

BSoD- Blue Screen of Death

AYBABTU- All Your Base Are Belong To Us

HS- Head Shot

ZOMG- Z Oh My God

LMFAO- Laughing My F**king Ass Off

ROTFLMFAOWSM- Rolling On The Floor Laughing My F**king Ass Off With Some Mice.....O_o

IDK- I Don't Know

IDC- I Don't Care

WTFUMJAMC- What The F**k Your Mom Just Ate My Candies

IGTRYWFAEOYECA- I'm Going To Rape Your Whole Family And Every One You Ever Cared About.........

Well i made up some of those but you can make anything into leet speak.


There's the sentence above in leet speak.

Here's a contest. Whoever can come up with the best sentence for this wins.


Good luck. Post your answer in the Comments. Good Luck.
